How to distinguish fire rating of insulation materials?

The fire rating of insulation materials has four grades, including A, B1, B2 and B3 respectively. The specific contents are as follows:

Grade A

Grade A, which is the top grade of fire rating, is the material with insulation effect without fire point, which refuses to burn (in general, that is the material that cannot be ignited). At present, Grade A fireproof materials mainly have glazed hollow bead, expanded perlite with closed pore, rock wool, mineral wool, glass wool, cement-based or gypsum-based inorganic insulation mortar and inorganic insulation mortar of lightweight wall block self-insulation system series, etc., which are the most common Grade A fireproof materials.

Bosheng rock wool is Grade A1 fireproof insulation material.

Grade B1

Grade B1, which is next only to Grade A, is fire-retardant insulation material determined by the duration of fire resistance of the material, in addition, it differs from the division of material at different parts! Such as the more common EPS/XPS insulation board added with fire retardant through special processing.

Grade B2

Combustible insulation material, mainly EPS expanded polystyrene board and XPS extruded polystyrene board, i.e. general board often said by us. Such material with low fire point will release plenty of harmful gas during the combustion process.

Grade B3

Inflammable insulation material, mainly insulation material with polyphenyl foam as main material. Because such material is inflammable, at present, it has been eliminated as external wall insulation material.

보온재료의 방화등급은 총 4가지인데 각각 A、B1、B2、B3가 있습니다. 구체적인 것은 아래와 같습니다.


A급은 방화급별의 최고급별이며 보온효과가 잇는 재료이며 거연재료입니다.(불이 붙지 않는 재료) 현재 A급방화재료는 玻化微珠, 闭孔膨胀珍珠岩、락울、광면、유리면、水泥基或石膏基 무기보온모르타르, 경질의 砌块自保温体系 등의 무기보온모르타르이며 이는 모두 흔히 보는 A급 방화재료들입니다.

박성락울은 A1급 방화보온재료입니다.


B1급은 A급 다음이며 불 붙기 어려운 보온재료입니다. 이는 재료의 내화극한에 의해 결정된 것이며 부동한 부ㅟ의 재료도 구별이 있습니다! 흔히 보는 특수가공처리를 한 거연제를 첨가한 EPS/XPS 보온판 등이 있습니다.


가연보온재료이며 EPS팽창벤젠판과 XPS압출벤젠판에서 흔히 보며 자주 말하는 보판입니다.이 재료는 발화점이 낮고 연소과정에서 대량의 유해기체를 방출합니다.


가연성 보온재료이며 벤젠포말을 주요재료로 하는 보온재료에서 흔히 봅니다. 쉽게 불 붙으므로 외벽보온재료에서 이미 도태되였습니다.


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